Your Birth Month Can Say A Lot About Your Health
The month of your birth says a lot about you! But what can it tell you about your health? How does your birth month influence diseases?

Our birth month has more influence on us than you think... In fact, the month of our birth not only influences our zodiac sign and determines whether our birthday party will be held indoors or outdoors - there are also links between your birth month and your health!
Researchers from the University of Alicante have found that the likelihood of contracting a particular chronic disease is linked to our birth month. To do this, the scientists conducted a study in which nearly 30,000 people were examined for certain diseases – and the results are extremely interesting.

Why Does the Month of Birth Influence Chronic Diseases?
Professor Jose Antonio Quesada's study shows that environmental influences affect children even before they are born and therefore affect their development. These include influences such as temperatures, seasonal influences, vitamin D, viruses, ultraviolet light, allergens, etc.
The luckiest babies are those born in September. Babies born in September are considered the healthiest and least likely to develop chronic diseases. The study also found that babies born in September are smarter on average.
What are the prognoses for babies born in other months?

What Chronic Diseases are People Prone to Based on Their Birth Month?
The study distinguishes between men and women, as the results differ by biological sex.
Women born in January are more likely to suffer from migraines, menopausal disorders and myocardial infarction. Men, on the other hand, suffer more from constipation, stomach ulcers and lower back pain.
Women who are born in February have an increased risk of thyroid problems, arthritis and blood clots. For men, instead of an increased risk of blood clots, it's a greater risk of heart disease.
Men born in March are more likely to have asthma, heart problems and, later, cataract. In women, the risk of rheumatism, constipation and arthritis increases.
Female children in April are more prone to tumors, osteoporosis and bronchitis, while male children are more likely to have thyroid disease, asthma and also osteoporosis.
What about the other months?

What are the Health Risks for People Born in May, June, July or August?
According to the study, men born in May suffer more often from depression, diabetes and asthma. For women, osteoporosis, constipation and chronic allergies are more common.
Men born in June can expect chronic bronchitis, cataract and heart disease, while women suffer more from rheumatism, arthritis and incontinence problems.
July women often suffer from intense and persistent neck pain, tumors are more common among them and they often suffer from asthma. Men born in July also suffer more often from asthma and tumors, and the risk of arthritis increases in them.
Men born in August are more likely to have osteoporosis, thyroid disease and asthma, while women are more likely to have rheumatism, blood clots and arthritis.
The next page shows the other months:

Diseases That are More Common in People Born in September, October, November or December
Women born in September suffer more often from thyroid disease, osteoporosis and malignancies. September men should also expect these diseases, but their risk of suffering from asthma is higher than their risk of developing malignant tumors.
October men suffer more often from migraines, thyroid disease and osteoporosis, while women more often have high cholesterol levels, osteoporosis and anemia.
November men have more chronic skin disease, thyroid problems and heart disease. Women have to be especially careful with their heart: they have more heart attacks, but also digestive problems and varicose veins.
Women born in December suffer more often from asthma, blood clots and chronic bronchitis. Men born in December have to learn to deal with depression more often, they have more heart problems and cataract.
It should be noted that being born in a certain month does not necessarily mean that one will suffer from one of these diseases. The study simply finds an increased correlation between the month and the disease and certain medical conditions. In general, of course, it is advisable to ensure a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity, and not to be too stressed. Take care!