Health: Here's What Your Face Reveals About It
Everyone has to deal with imperfections on their face. They are annoying, but they also allow you to learn more about your health.

The minute we open our Instagram app, countless posts about supposedly perfect skin care routines are presented to us. Often, however, only the aesthetics are considered, what may be behind the imperfections and facial changes is rarely addressed. Yet, these elements can tell us a lot about our health! What conclusions can you draw about the health of your organs based on the area of your face?
That's exactly what we'll tell you on the following pages:

1. Impurities On the Tip of The Nose
Many of us have blackheads scattered across our nose. But what exactly does the nose tell us about our well-being? The tip of the nose stands for the state of our heart.
Is the tip of your nose red all the time? This may be because your heart is working too hard and is simply overwhelmed. Do you have family members who have a pacemaker or who often complain about heart problems? Then you should definitely take this sign seriously.
The rest of the nasal area can also give you clues:

2. The Upper Part of the Nose
This area of your face reveals the condition of your spleen. If you notice that you have a pronounced wrinkle above your nose or that the root of it is particularly large, you may have pancreatic hypo- or hyperfunction.
If the upper part of your nose changes a lot unexpectedly, it may be related to your lungs. Reddened nostrils may indicate bronchial inflammation.
Check out the next page to learn what the area between your nose and upper lip tells you about your body:

3. The Area Between the Lips and the Nose
There is comparatively little space between them, but the area between the lips and the nose can tell you about inconsistencies in the area of the reproductive system.
When we suffer from stress, our hormonal balance may change or be out of balance. When does hormonal balance usually differ from the rest of the month? Exactly, during our period. When hormones go into overdrive during this time, blemishes and small wrinkles between the nose and lips can appear.
If you want to know what your lower cheeks say about your organs, click on the next page.

4. Lower Cheeks
If you notice changes on your lower cheeks, it may have something to do with the state of your stomach.
Especially on vacation or when we are stressed, we tend to turn to greasier foods, but unfortunately this is mirrored by our skin. If you notice a discoloration of pigmentation, or if your skin is suddenly not as plump and firm, it may be due to a stomach imbalance.
If your cheeks swell or get pimples after eating a certain food, you may be intolerant to it.
Your chin also says a lot about your health.

5. Chin Area
Are you wondering how your kidneys and bladder are doing? Then look at your chin! If you have more wrinkles, pustules or pimples there than usual, it indicates a disorder of these organs.
Unsurprisingly, women often develop pimples in this area shortly before menstruation, due to hormonal changes.
Moving on to the upper cheeks:

6. To Which Organ are the Upper Cheeks Connected?
The upper cheek area and cheekbone communicate with your lungs.
If your skin is less tight here as well, if it becomes grayish or if your pores widen, it may mean that your lungs are being overworked. So it's no wonder that many smokers show noticeable skin changes in this area.
Moving on to the temples:

7. Temples
Like the chin and cheeks, the temples also give you information about the toxin content of your kidneys.
If this area is reddened or streaked with impurities, it may be a sign of impaired kidney function or a currently suboptimal diet.
What does the upper eyelid tell us about our health?

8. What your Upper Eyelid Says About your Health
Like the upper nose area, the upper eye area also reveals the condition of your spleen.
If you suddenly experience redness, dryness, swelling or other noticeable changes in this area, it could indicate a malfunction in the spleen, which is responsible for nourishing your immune system.
You should also "keep an eye" on the lower eye area:

9. The Lower Eye Area
The lower eye area gives you clues about the condition of your kidneys.
If you have dark circles under your eyes (and not just after a long night), this may indicate kidney dysfunction, which in turn may be associated with digestive problems. Are you more of the pale type and are your dark circles the same or slightly grayish? Then you should also have your kidneys checked.
Unfortunately, nobody likes them, but sooner or later they appear on all of us: crow's feet. If you think these little wrinkles appear at an unusually early age, it may be related to impaired liver function. If you often have difficulty managing your emotions and frequently experience strong emotions such as sadness or anger, you may also notice changes in this area. On the other hand, pronounced bags under your eyes may indicate that you need to take it down a notch. If you put too much pressure on yourself, either physically or emotionally, it can result in bags under your eyes.
Your forehead also gives you clues about your health:

10. What About the Forehead?
Your forehead is the optimal indicator of the state of your metabolism. It indicates both the constitution of your liver function, which ensures that toxins are removed from your body, and your gallbladder, where fats are digested.
When these two organs are overworked or not functioning as they should, you can often notice pale areas on your forehead.
Is your forehead often very tense and do you notice redness there? This can also be a sign that your metabolism is not functioning properly. If you want to boost your metabolism, you should include almonds in your diet.
Finally, let's talk about the lips:

11. Lips
Lip abnormalities are usually the first indicator of bowel problems.
If you frequently have to deal with herpes pimples or notice color changes or even ulcers on your lips, there may be a problem with your small intestine. Colon, liver, gallbladder and spleen involvement can also occur in this area.
If your suddenly notice swelling on your lower lip, it may be a sign of a slow-functioning bowel. If the lip is particularly pale, there is usually a problem with the blood flow to the gut.
By constantly observing the different areas of your face, you can learn a lot about your body and your overall health!