Celebrities Before Fame: Stories About Stars Before They Were Famous
Did they predict their fame? These people knew celebrities before the fame! What incredible stories – and we're a little jealous.

Sometimes celebrities seem like beings from another planet. We see them so often in films, on stage and on the red carpet that it is sometimes hard to imagine that these people had a life before their world fame. And yet, apart from child stars, they certainly did. They went to school, had boring jobs and teenage crushes. You can marvel at the differences and, more importantly, the normality of some of the stars in the following photos. Here 'normal' people talk about their relationships with celebrities they knew before they became world famous. We can't get enough of these stories!
Let's go!
1. Jimmy Fallon
This lady's aunt dated the future SNL comedian and current talk show host.
The next person is also well known for his humour...
[maddyahouse1 via Twitter]
2. Adam Sandler
Here, it's the mother who dated the celebrity during high school.
[BPearsonn via Twitter]
And the Twitter user has another photo up her sleeve !
How cute they both looked at the ball! I wonder if Adam Sandler still has those pictures in an old photo book?
Let's move on to the next celebrity.
3. Usher
The woman's sister dated Usher in high school and apparently kept it a secret for some time.
[camrynmariaa via Twitter]
5. Zac Efron
"I just found out a friend of mine went to high school with Zac Efron. He pulled out his yearbook to prove it." But he really did look completely different back then...
[CeciliaBratton via Twitter]
On the next page you will find another celebrity that really everyone knows...
6. Leonardo DiCaprio
"Just found these pics of Leo with my family.... (He dated my aunt) wtf." That must have been a real "Oh my God" moment.
[Lenaalawtattoo via Twitter]
7. Jamie Foxx
One of the most famous American actors is sometimes just an uncle. His aunt dated him and the kids started calling him "Uncle Jamie".
[mikaelakistner via Twitter]
8. Ansel Elgort
In reality, the actor, who is now 27 years old, has not changed much. Someone went to school with him before he became famous, as was the case with Zac Efron.
[ltsTina via Twitter]
9. Jared Padalecki
Most people know the actor from the series "Gilmore Girls" or "Supernatural". Back then, he was completely unknown! This user's sister dated him when they were still in high school.
[JohnPenkunis via Twitter]

10. Henry Cavill
Also on Reddit, some "normal people" shared that they had known some stars before the whole world knew them. This person knew the "Superman" actor when he was young and says:
"Henry Cavill, nice guy. Shy and not quite as confident as his friends, but that made him a nice person. I don't know him as an adult (the last time I saw him he was about 20), but I'd be surprised if he was any different today."
[fiveupfront via Reddit]
The next man is also a world-famous actor today...

11. Chris Evans
This Reddit user reports that Captain America was his babysitter:
"Chris Evans (...) lived down the street and was my babysitter. His mom directs plays at the local high school. I haven't seen him since I was little, but when he was in high school, he was a normal guy. There was nothing about him that screamed "I'm going to be famous!". (...)"
[SodomySeymor via Reddit]

12. Kylie Jenner
"I was friends with Kylie Jenner from 4th to 8th grade. We lost touch because she was homeschooled from 9th or 10th grade.
Honestly? She is the nicest person I have ever met. I was a chubby, weird kid and didn't have many friends when I was new to school. There's even a group picture from my freshman year where we're all sitting on a hill and I'm the only one sitting by myself.
For this trip, my mom was there as a chaperone. She walked next to Kylie while I was somewhere else and Kylie said to my mom, "I like Mauvemoth. I wish other people weren't so mean to her. She's really nice. She likes animals, just like me! After that, she came to me and started a conversation about how cute the turkey was.
She has really helped me all these years. She was one of the few people who didn't tease me. We weren't the best of friends, but when we hung out, we had fun."
[mauvemoth via Reddit]

13. Jake Gyllenhaal
"My fiancé fell off his bike once when he was a little boy in Los Angeles. A nice boy about 12 years old helped him up and walked him home to make sure he was okay. That nice boy was Jake Gyllenhaal."
[SchleppyJ4 via Reddit]
14. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon
We know that the two actors are close friends today, but did you know that they've been friends since they were kids? We can't get enough of their friendship! @entertainmenttonight recently shared this gem of a photo on their Instagram account!