Matty From "13 Going On 30" Just Turned 30 IRL And I Feel Old
Young Matty from the teen classic "13 Going On 30" just turned 30, but does he look anything like Mark Ruffalo?

Who else remembers little Matt from 13 going on 30 - AKA Sean Marquette? Admit it, if you were a girl in the naughties you watched the teen classic over and over again, every time gushing a little bit more over their oh-so-adorable teen romance.

Young Matty was there for Jenna when nobody else was. Even though she was trying her hardest to fit in with the cool kids, he loved her no matter how "cool" she was. Can I get an "awwww"? 😍

As we all know, Jenna's world was shaken when her wish to be "Thirty and flirty and thriving" came true! Of course, her trip into the future came with many surprises. Her beloved Matty wasn't in the picture anymore!
Of course, she found him. And by the magic of Hollywood we were able to see what little Matty would look like by the time he reached 30. But did young Matt really turn into a smoking hot Mark Ruffalo lookalike? Let's find out...

Here are little Matty and big Matty side-by-side. See the resemblance? Does little Matty, or should I say, Sean Marquette, look anything like his onscreen older self now that he's 30? Let's see what our sweetest teen crush looks like today...
Not quite, but present-day Sean Marquette does look rather familiar! You may have noticed him during your last Netflix binge session, as he appears regularly on a very popular series. Any guesses?

Sean Marquette has been acting ever since his role as young Matty in 13 going on 30. You might recognise him as Johnny Atkins from The Goldbergs. Look familiar now? I wonder how young Jenna would feel if this is how her beloved Matty turned out.

Are you as shocked as Jenna was in this scene? Yes - it's the scene in 13 Going On 30 when she saw his "thingy" 😂😂😂Speaking of Jenna, anyone wondering what she looks like these days?

Here is sweet little Jenna Rink - before she was ruined by the Six Chicks. She may have been 13 then, but she hasn't quite made it to 30 yet. Let's see what see what little Jenna, AKA Christa B. Allen, looks like today.

Talk about a transformation! Although Christa isn't quite 30-years-old yet. I'll have to check in with you guys again in 2021! Until then here's one last picture of the man of the hour...
Happy Birthday, Sean (although you'll always be little Matty to me)!