5 Things Gynaecologists Want You To Know About Your Vagina
You've probably been too embarrassed to ask these questions yourself, so we'll answer them for you.
As anybody with a vagina knows, going to the gynecologist can be a slightly awkward encounter. Hands up if you go red at the thought of skipping your wax before your next check up (FYI, your gyne really doesn't care about how hairy you are down there) or worry about whether your lady parts look "normal". Don't worry ladies, you're not alone! That's why we're answering your most cringy questions about your nether regions so you can skip the embarrassment the next time you head to the lady doctor.

1. What should my labia look like? Is it normal if it sticks out?
The answer here is all lady parts come in different shapes and sizes. Some stick out a lot, while some women's labia don't stick out at all. There is no such thing as "normal" when it comes to the way it looks, so don't feel that you're isn't the way it's supposed to be. With that being said, if your "outie" sticks out so much that it causes serious discomfort or pain during sex you may consider fixing that surgically. However, this should only be an option in drastic situations.

2. Is it normal to feel no pleasure from penetration alone?
Totally normal, my friends. Some women simply cannot orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. In fact, 75% of women need clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm, so to feel no pleasure from penetration alone makes you part of the majority in this case. However, if you are feeling pain during penetration and it's turning you off, you should speak to your OBGYN.

3. Is it normal to have discharge every day? What should it look and smell like?
Some women do tend to have more discharge than others. This is normal, but you should watch out for a potential infection too. When the PH balance in your vagina is knocked out, this can form a good breeding ground for bacteria or a yeast infection. This would cause foul smelling discharge, which is a sign you should visit your doctor. Also take note of the texture of your discharge. While during ovulation your discharge may take the consistency of stringy mucus (which is normal), discharge that has the consistency of cottage cheese is a sign of infection.

4. Is it normal for my vagina to have a smell?
Once again, this is normal. Every vagina has a scent and it's not something to be ashamed of. However, if it starts to smell foul or fishy, this could mean you have an infection and it would be advisable to visit your doctor.

5. Is it normal to sweat a lot down there? What can I do to prevent it?
Some girls, especially heavier girls, do tend to sweat down there. It's important not to use talcum powder as this increases the risk of ovarian cancer. However, you can use cornstarch or powder that does not contain talc as a safe alternative to prevent your lady bits from being drenched in sweat, particularly in the summer months.