5-Year-Old Girl Calls 911 To Save Her Dad's Life
Frank experienced chest pain and dialled 911. When the dispatcher answered, he was unable to speak. The little girl took the phone to save her dad's life!

One day, Frank Hensley experienced chest pain all of a sudden. The father of the then 5-year-old Savannah dialed 911, but when his call was answered, he was unable to speak. That's why his daughter picked up the phone to help save her dad! Her calm manner surprised the operator Jason Bonham, who decided to share his conversation with the brave little girl!
We'll tell you everything about the adorable conversation on the following pages!

This is how the conversation went:
Dispatcher: "What's wrong?"
Savannah: "Um...my Dad can't hardly breathe..."
Dispatcher: "OK...hold on a second, OK?
Savannah: "OK"
Dispatcher: "How old are you?"
Savannah: "I'm 5 years old"
Dispatcher: "OK, what's your name?"
Savannah: "Savannah"
Dispatcher: "OK, Savannah, hold on. I'm getting them dispatched, OK?
Savannah: "OK...you need to come real fast."

When the operator sent his colleagues on their way, he tried getting some more information from Savannah, while simultaneously instructing her to make the paramedics' arrival as swift and easy as possible.
Dispatcher: "OK Savannah, I have them on the way. Is your Daddy still awake?"
Savannah: "Yeah"
Dispatcher: "OK. Is your front door unlocked, Savannah?"
Savannah: "Uh, is our front door unlocked? No"
Dispatcher: "OK, Savannah, can you go unlock that front door for me?"
Savannah: "Sure"
Dispatcher: "OK"
Savannah: "OK, I am going to go...Don't worry, Dad!"
Dispatcher: "Can you ask him if this has ever happened before?"
Savannah: "Has this ever happened? No, so far so good...He's still awake"
Dispatcher: "Hey, ask him, if he has any kind of chest pain."
Savannah (to her dad): "Do you have any chest pain? (to the dispatcher): "Yes"

While the dispatcher, Savannah and her dad were awaiting the arrival of the ambulance, the 5-year-old girl was preoccupied with a surprising topic: What should she wear when paramedics come to her home?
Dispatcher: "OK"
Savannah: "This is his first time"
Dispatcher: "OK. I got them on the way so..."
Savannah: "OK. We're in our jammies...and I'm in a tank top. So...I'll have to get dressed"
Dispatcher: "OK"
Savannah: "I don't know what I'm gonna wear, but...he really needs oxygen, real fast. Yes, the door's unlocked"
Dispatcher: "OK."
Savannah: "I'll be in my room and I'll be putting on...um...
Dispatcher: "Say, Savannah, I want you to stay there with your Daddy, OK?"
Savannah: "OK."
Dispatcher: "I need you to make sure he stays awake"
Savannah: "OK. I got that. And...we have a dog...that's really...um...small."

Dispatcher: "So he's friendly?"
Savannah: "He's friendly"
Dispatcher: "OK"
Savannah: "He kind of barks"
Mitarbeiter: "He kind of barks? That's alright though."
Savannah: "Lou, come on!"
The little girl has definitely proven how brave she is! While on the phone with the operator, she remained calm and alert. She diligently carried out the dispatcher's instructions, while at the same time checking on her dad. He was doubtlessly very proud of his young daughter!
On the next page, you can listen to the original recording of the phone call.
You can listen to the whole conversation on the YouTube account videonme. It is certainly impressive how well Savannah handled the situation - especially considering she was only 5 years old at the time.
Important side note: Her dad Frank is doing well!