Beauty Ideals: Pictures That Show How Much They Vary Across Countries
Photoshop artists from all over the world show which beauty ideals apply to women in their country. 23 completely different faces result from the experiment

It is an impressive experience. The journalist Esther Honig took a picture of herself. Without makeup, completely pure. Then she asked 23 Photoshop experts from around the world to make this photo more beautiful - in the way they themselves perceive beauty. The assignment was very simple: "Make me beautiful!" Their self-experiment reveals the different beauty ideals for women in different countries.
23 very different faces are the result of the experiment, all of which tell their own story and provide insight into other cultures.
One woman - 23 ideals of beauty, but which one is the most beautiful? In her experience, Esther pointed out that it is possible to get closer to a certain ideal through Photoshop - but in an international comparison, you will never match all beauty standards. We agree: to achieve this would not only be laborious, but also impossible. Yet the most beautiful thing is to appreciate your own beauty.
You'll see the impressive photos of the experiment, which were summarized in a video on the YouTube channel Beliectionator, on the following pages...