Beauty Ideals: Pictures That Show How Much They Vary Across Countries

Photoshop artists from all over the world show which beauty ideals apply to women in their country. 23 completely different faces result from the experiment

This photo is the starting point of Esther Honig's experiment.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

It is an impressive experience. The journalist Esther Honig took a picture of herself. Without makeup, completely pure. Then she asked 23 Photoshop experts from around the world to make this photo more beautiful - in the way they themselves perceive beauty. The assignment was very simple: "Make me beautiful!" Their self-experiment reveals the different beauty ideals for women in different countries.

23 very different faces are the result of the experiment, all of which tell their own story and provide insight into other cultures.

One woman - 23 ideals of beauty, but which one is the most beautiful? In her experience, Esther pointed out that it is possible to get closer to a certain ideal through Photoshop - but in an international comparison, you will never match all beauty standards. We agree: to achieve this would not only be laborious, but also impossible. Yet the most beautiful thing is to appreciate your own beauty.

You'll see the impressive photos of the experiment, which were summarized in a video on the YouTube channel Beliectionator, on the following pages...

The German ideal of beauty includes porcelain skin.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#1 Germany

A German Photoshop artist made her complexion look a lot paler and added a reddish shade to her hair color.

An Argentine Photoshop artist goes for strong makeup.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#2 Argentina

With quite heavy makeup, Esther becomes the ideal of beauty in Argentina.

In South American Brazil, a young woman made a conscious decision not to conform to a beauty ideal. She has a large birthmark on her face and has not had it removed!

In Australia, the focus of makeup is on the lips.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#3 Australia

The Australian Photoshop professional conjured up pink cheeks and blue eyes for Esther. The focus is clearly on the lower part of the face.

In Bangladesh, a natural look seems to be the ideal.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#4 Bangladesh

Here, a fringe has been added, but the look remains quite natural.

The Bulgarian look is very subtle.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#5 Bulgaria

This photo editor gave her steel blue eyes and a cool skin tone.

In Chile, the journalist would have a very different face.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#6 Chile

Chile emphasized jewelry, a fresh complexion and slightly more almond-shaped eyes. Her eyebrows were also altered, appearing both thinner and somewhat bar-shaped.

In Greece, the journalist gets a colorful makeover.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#7 Greece

The Greek beauty ideal brought her long eyelashes and rosy cheeks.

She gets a darker skin tone from the Indian Photoshop artist.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#8 India

A darker skin tone, dark hair and dark blue eyes were considered particularly beautiful by an Indian artist.

In Indonesia, a pale skin tone seems to be an ideal of beauty.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#9 Indonesia

Pale, but with big, googly eyes – this is how Esther was depicted in the Indonesian version.

For the Israeli beauty ideal, Esther would have to spend more time in the sun.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#10 Israel

A very tanned version of Esther came back from Israel.

The Italian Photoshop artist gave Esther a subtle gray eye shadow.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#11 Italy

The country provided her with a very subtle makeup and made her eyebrows narrower.

In Kenya, the journalist would have to wear bright blue eye shadow to come closer to the ideal of beauty.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#12 Kenya

Bright blue eye shadow makes her a beauty in Kenya.

From the Moroccan Photoshop artist the young woman got a headscarf and emphasized eyes.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#13 Morocco

The Moroccan Photoshop artist gave her a headscarf and almond-colored eyes.

In Pakistan, it seems to turn golden brown, radiant skin into a beauty.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#14 Pakistan

Dark skin and bright eyes turn her into a Pakistani beauty.

From the Filipino artist she got only emphasized lips and a business outfit.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#15 Philippines

Here, no makeup was "applied", but Esther got dressed with business clothes, standing before a colorful background.

The Romanian artist has merely made her skin free of pores.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#16 Romania

The Romanian Photoshop artist changed almost nothing about her face.

In Serbia, large, turquoise eyes seem to be a true beauty ideal.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#17 Serbia

A Serbian Photoshop professional gave her huge, turquoise eyes.

In Sri Lanka, pale skin and coral-colored lips are considered beautiful.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#18 Sri Lanka

Some green eyeshadow and bright coral lips for Sri Lanka.

The British artist gave her a rather unnatural look.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#19 United Kingdom

A British artist added highlights to her hair, gave her almond-shaped eyes and a glowing skin tone.

In Ukraine, a clear skin tone is considered the ideal.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#20 Ukraine

Esther was left very natural by a Ukrainian photo editor. However, her skin appearance was made very even.

The American artist changes Esther's face so much that she is hardly recognizable.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#21 United States of America

In the US, Esther's face probably underwent the biggest change: her nose appears much more narrow, her eyes are dark green, and she's a blonde.

For the Venezuelan ideal, Esther was merely given a rosy skin tone.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#22 Venezuela

A rosy skin tone and a soft tone on the lips were enough for the Venezuelan Photoshop professional.

In Vietnam, Esther got a fair, even skin tone as a beauty ideal.
Source: YouTube Screenshot/ Beliectionator

#23 Vietnam

Last but not least: In Vietnam, Esther remained almost in her natural state. Only her skin and lips were a little bit brightened up.

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The Whole Experiment

On the YouTube account Beliectionator, you can see the whole experiment. It strikingly shows how much beauty is in the eye of the beholder and how significantly it depends on cultural norms and. 

Pinterest Pin The variety of what's considered beautiful is amazing: