Woman Complains About Uncomfortable Heels - Wears Them On Wrong Feet
On a night out, a woman complains about her new high heels - what Ayleigh McGhee realizes only later is that she simply put them on the wrong feet

A young woman called Ayleigh McGhee, from Glasgow, Scotland, complains about her uncomfortable new shoes to her friend. Apparently, she can't walk in them because they made her feet ache. Only the next day she finds out that it was her own fault - she put her killer heels on the wrong feet! That truly sounds like a painful experience. We can't believe she still wore them the whole night!
Lucky for us, both Ayleigh and one of her friends posted photo evidence on their Instagram and Twitter accounts!
A Painful Mistake
Do you remember those club nights before lockdown, when we would dance in high heels all night long? Even though it feels like a lifetime ago, we can still vividly picture our sleepy but happy faces, sitting on the train back home with our friends, or walking home through the not so silent night. Ayleigh McGhee had one of those nights back in 2019 and shared a great photo of herself and her party outfit to her Instagram account @ayleighmcgheex. However, there is one little thing that's slightly off ... her shoes!
Her friend Georgia Henry apparently couldn't believe it the next day and posted the whole thing to her Twitter, where the picture blew up completely!
The Picture Went Viral
If this were to happen to us, we'd probably try to destroy any photo evidence! At the same time, we're more than grateful to Georgia Henry who shared a photo of the little faux-pas to her Twitter account @GeorgiaH15_. To this day, the viral post has garnered more than 32.000 likes and has been retweeted almost 2.000 times.
Georgia's words of disbelief: "Ayleigh was actual moanin the full night sayin she couldn’t walk in her shoes n only just realised this morning she was wearing them on the wrong feet
this lassie man"

The Twitter Community was Quite Amused
Obviously, Twitter users were well entertained! Everybody who has spent a night in heels knows how painful that experience can be. Numerous Twitter users shared their own stories of woe. You think Ayleigh's shoe story is hard to top? Twitter user @Sal_games95 commented that she once wore her dress backwards on a night out. Others couldn't believe that putting shoes on the wrong feet could actually go unnoticed. Ayleigh herself seems to have been quite relaxed about the whole matter - in the end, the picture is still up on her Instagram account and - shoes on the wrong feet or not - she looks absolutely gorgeous in that dress!