“Dahmer”: Hidden Details Most People Missed In The Netflix Series
Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most notorious serial killers. The Netflix series that tells his story is not for the faint of heart!

At the moment, everyone seems to be talking about "Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story". The Netflix series is based on the events related to the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed several young men and teenagers between 1978 and 1991. He always proceeded in a similar way with his victims: He would first lure them into his apartment and then murder them. Sometimes he would eat them or perform necrophiliac acts on them. As you might already guess, the mini-series is not for the faint of heart, as the 10 episodes are not only intense, but also disturbing. Many users report that they had to stop at some point and weren't able to continue watching. True crime fans will probably find the series very gripping, however.
There is a frightening number of parallels between the series and the true story we haven't perceived until now:
After “Stranger Things”, “Dahmer” is the Biggest Hit of This Year
If you thought that “Squid Game” was hard to match, you weren't expecting “Stranger Things” season 4 and “Dahmer”. Even though there are many number one hits on Netflix when it comes to the horror genre, like “The Sandman”, “Cobra Kai” and “Resident Evil”, none of them can compete. The true crime storyline reached 25 million viewer hours in its first week. But what makes it such an enormous success? The fact that Evan Peters plays the role so authentically probably contributes to it on the one hand, and on the other hand, fiction and reality are so close that it is hard to believe that a human being is capable of such acts. As in some of the other cases, Dahmer had a rather difficult childhood and had to deal with drug and alcohol problems from high school on. All the warning signs were ignored at the time and even the police had to admit after the fact that they had made a mistake.
Speaking of “Stranger Things”, we bet that almost everyone missed this detail. Check out the next page:
Fans Stumble Upon a Creepy Discovery
Remember the scene in “Stranger Things” season 4 when Max gets off the school bus? Check out the background: Attentive TikTok users have discovered a student who looks suspiciously like Jeffrey Dahmer, with his blond hair and bright glasses. It seems to be a hint, because if you think about it, “Stranger Things” was set in the 1980s. The Milwaukee Killer committed his murders between the 80s and 90s. So that would be a pretty good fit.
Those who are surprised by this discovery will probably have missed the other details:
Jeffrey Dahmer is Quoted in Many Famous Songs
The 2010s are full of songs we love listening to to this day. Some of them we know from our childhood, including Katy Perry's “Dark Horse” which we still happily sang along to. But were we really aware of what Juicy J. was rapping about? “Uh, she's a beast I call her karma. She eats your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer.” Today, these lines definitely take on a creepy meaning for us. Pop star Kesha and rapper Eminem have also addressed Dahmer in their songs.
However, the true crime format has not only generated peak ratings, but also bad reviews:
Netflix Responds to Fan Criticism
Jeffrey Dahmer was gay, which apparently prompted Netflix to categorize the series as “LGBTQ”. This caused an uproar, however, as the series has nothing to do with diversity - on the contrary: one user on Twitter was understandably upset, writing “Imagine clicking on the 'LGBTQ' category and getting this.” More than 17,000 people agreed, as the series has pretty much nothing to do with diversity. The streaming giant itself realized that this had been a disrespectful decision on Netflix's part and quietly removed the series from the category.
3 Details That Aren't Quite Right in "Dahmer"
The creator of the series, Ryan Murphy, did not refrain from interpreting a little more than the original story, because we must not forget that this is not a classic documentary. This obviously does not make the series less good, but we reveal to you which details do not correspond to the whole truth. But spoiler alert for all those who have not yet finished the series!
#1 His Father Never Explained How to Gut Dead Animals
In the series, we learn that Jeffrey and his father Lionel Dahmer gutted dead animals that had been hit by a car together. This would have triggered his fascination with killing and butchering corpses. But in his book "My Son is a Murderer: A Father's Story," Lionel explained that he simply taught his son how to preserve animal bones, but never encouraged him to dissect them with him. Lionel has a doctorate in chemistry and because his son was also interested in his field, especially biology and chemistry, he explained biological processes to him.
#2 Glenda Cleveland Has Never Lived in the Same Apartment Complex.
Early in the first episode, we meet Jeffrey Dahmer's alleged neighbor, Glenda Cleveland, who has always perceived strange noises and smells coming from her neighbor's apartment. She was the one who finally called the police, but without success. But this is not true, because in reality, Glenda lived in a building further away. She could easily be mistaken for her real neighbor, Pamela Bass. Yet she didn't find Dahmer scary. On the contrary, she thought he was a nice, friendly neighbor and even ate his sandwich. Which brings us directly to detail number 3...
#3 Jeffrey's Neighbors Were Not Particularly Suspicious.
Pamela Bass had absolutely no suspicions, even though the show with Glenda Cleveland's role made it seem that way. To her, he was simply a "nerd" and a rather introverted and quiet young man. She even visited him at the time in his apartment for a beer after work. In the documentary "The Dahmer Files" it was never mentioned that his apartment smelled terribly of meat. So this also seems to be an invention in the Netflix series.
On 07.10.22, another documentary series about Jeffrey Dahmer called "Jeffrey Dahmer: Self-Portrait of a Serial Killer" was released on Netflix. We can't wait to find out what details will be revealed in it.
Two New Seasons of the "Monster".
Of course, the "Dahmer" case is closed, but two more seasons are coming anyway, in the same style and by the same creator. The concept of "true crime" continues and should highlight "the stories of other monstrous characters". Its models would be mostly anthology series like American Crime Story and American Horror Story. There are no fixed dates yet, but in any case the confirmation that it continues. And probably not something light.