You Can Now Get A Glitter Sex Pill For Your Vagina
We're not even kidding....

I honestly thought we'd seen the glitter trend go as far as it possibly could after I saw this. That was, of course, until I came across the Passion Dust Intimacy Pill. And before your imagination runs wild trying to figure out exactly what that might be, let me assure you that not even your wildest dreams could lead you to this sparkly sex product.
To put it bluntly, Passion Dust is a vaginal pill that, once inserted and dissolved, triggers somewhat of a glitter bomb inside your vagina. What's the point, you may ask? Once aroused the passion dust exits the vagina, leaving your partner with a... ahem... glitter-covered disco stick. It also leaves you with sweet tasting lady parts, because why not?
And if you're still not completely clear on what this naughty novelty product does, here's a very NSFW demonstration below...
Asking yourself who on Earth would buy something like that? As it turns out, quite a few. So many, in fact, that the company, Pretty Woman Inc, soon sold out after the product recently went viral.
“A new order is coming in every minute,” said the creator of the Passion Dust Intimacy capsules, Lola-Butterflie Von-Kerius in an interview with New York Magazine.The stay-at-home mother of three says she got the idea for the bizarre product from a t-shirt. "“I saw a T-shirt that said, ‘I sweat glitter,’ and . . . I thought, I want to sweat glitter, too. What would be a safe way to glitter from the inside?”
Naturally, her conclusion was to stick it up her hoo-haa. After testing her product on herself, she passed it around to some friends who loved the results so much that they came back for more.
“I was pleased with the results and the sweet taste and so was [my partner] . . . Just boosted same-old to something magical," said one friend, Kim Chedi.

However, many medical professionals disagree with Chedi. One in particular has been very vocal in denouncing the product (which, according to Pretty Woman Inc's website, has not been FDA approved). Canadian gynecologist, Dr. Jen Gunter, wrote a post about it on her blog in which she listed all the potential dangers of using the product. This included nasty inflammatory discharge, vaginal granulomas (walled off inflammatory mass produced by tissue in response to a foreign body), bacterial infections and vaginal contact dermatitis (think vaginal sunburn).
Von-Kerius doesn't let the opinions of actual medically trained professionals get her down though. She points out, “Doctors say ideally nothing would be inserted into the vagina, ever. But we still use condoms, sex toys and lots of crazy flavors and colors of lubricants. This is no different than that.”
Call me crazy, but I think I'll go with the doc on this one!
How about you? Would you try out Passion Dust Intimacy Capsules? Let us know in the comments!