Artist Draws Relatable Comics About What Women Secretly Do
It’s pretty fun knowing what women do when they feel like nobody’s watching. This artist draws relatable comics about what women secretly do:

Obviously, we sometimes do things we’d rather nobody saw. But women are merely human and we too have one or the other flaw. Nevertheless, we’d prefer to be alone while being concerned with these habits. What is wrong with simply being the way we are? We definitely deserve to live our lives the way we want to! Anyway, our flaws might not be as terrible as we think - the right guy might even find them endearing! Artist Amanda Oleander draws those moments in which we can secretly devote ourselves to our quirky habits.
Here are the artist’s drawings:
#1 In bed with pizza
We simply love sprawling out on our beds with our favorite kind of pizza. No thinking about sucking in our bellies, no uncomfortable pair of jeans digging into our skin - these moments of complete relaxation are pure bliss! A slice of pizza and a pair of joggers surely is the way to a woman’s heart. Artist Amanda Oleander knows about this "secret" and shares it on her Instagram account.
Let's move to #2 about what women secretly do:
#2 That Has Happened to All of us
It's truly humbling to be a woman. It's a gift. But for a few days per month we could do without being a woman! The cramps, the mood swings, the cravings. The ruined bed sheets.
#3 is pretty popular as well:
#3 Being afraid of something bad happening to us
Sometimes, we lie awake at night and are simply scared of things we actually know do not exist. Ghosts, a creepy figure in the shadow, creaking doors…even though we intellectually know that everything is fine, our emotions sometimes take the upper hand and we get scared.
We love doing this when nobody’s watching:
#4 Reading a book while wearing almost nothing
Wearing a shirt and undies is the most comfortable outfit for reading - what can we do? While resting the head on a soft pillow, our feet are stretched out into the air or leaning on the wall. What could be nicer? We all love doing this secretly, right?
Ready for #5?
#5 Trying to grab things with freshly done nails
If there ever was a woman who possessed the patience to wait for her nails to completely dry before touching things, we have yet to meet her. Most of the time, even though we are super careful, it goes wrong and we ruin our beautiful nails. We’d rather hide the evidence and put on a new coat of nail lacquer instead walking around with undone nails.
We are pretty certain almost every woman has done #6!
#6 Secretly staring at our phone
This secret is not so secret thanks to High school movies: We patiently, or sometimes not so patiently, wait for the guy we like to message us. Artist Amanda Oleander perfectly drew this open secret for us. Yep, that’s exactly how we do it.
#7 mostly happens in secret too:
#7 Texting with our crush until late at night
Let’s fire up our laptops and stay up all night! We shall not miss a single message from our crush, even if it means postponing our sleep and watching Netflix to stay awake (how terrible). No one saw us, right?
Are you guilty of #8, too?
#8 Facial masks in bed
To be honest, eating pizza and wearing a facial mask while binge-watching our favorite series in bed is what dreams are made of. Your better half doesn’t need to know about it, some things are to be enjoyed in secret - and they are more fun if they remain a secret! Let’s get the avocado facial mask ready and relax.
The next thing happens on a regular basis…
#9 Secretly popping pimples
Yes, yes, we all know we shouldn’t do it - but it can be so satisfying! Rather than going to a professional and having them be removed in a sterile environment, we prefer taking the time in the evening and getting rid of those pimples and blackheads on our own. In these secret moments, the magnifying mirror is our bestie.
Just like we'll very rarely see a celebrity's natural hair, no-one will ever see our pimples. Ever.
You’ve surely experienced #10 before:
#10 Suffering
Beauty knows no pain, right? There is one type of pain we’d gladly never experience ever again. Period pain, that cruel monster visiting some of us once a month. The pain makes us very intolerant towards colleagues, friends, and partners, so we choose to suffer alone. Wrapped into a blanket like a burrito, with a hot-water bottle on our belly, while our favorite show is on, we prefer enduring this kind of pain on our own.
#11 A Woman's Gotta do What a Woman's Gotta do
Yes, women fart, too. And contrary to widespread belief, we do it at least as often as men. We're simply more discreet, if you know what I mean.