Movie-Quiz: Which character are we looking for?

Which movie character can you identify by the description below?

Who is it?

We are looking for one particular character. Who is it? 

Do you need a hint to solve the quiz?

You may know the character from several books or movies? Do you already have a name in mind? 

A little hint for you if you don't: "I have two best friends. One of them is unbeatable in playing chess and the other is the smartest girl in school. My archenemy in school has platinium blonde hair."

Now it's clear, right? 

The right answer is "Harry Potter".
Source: Quelle: imago images / United Archives

It is Harry Potter

Can you also solve our big Harry-Potter-character-naming-quiz? 20 out of 20 answers will prove you a real Potterhead!

Pinterest Pin Movie Quiz: Which Character Are We Looking For?