Beauty Quiz: Which product am I?
We've prepared a little quiz for you! Can you guess which beauty product we're looking for? You've probably used it before:

Do you already know the answer to our beauty quiz? The hint "I draw people's attention to a person's mouth" should give away which product we're referring to! If you're not entirely sure if you're guessing it right, we'll give you another clue on the next page!

One last hint: When women use this product, they usually pucker their lips.
Now you should definitely know which beauty product we're describing! You'll find the correct answer on the next page:

As Katy Perry sang in her first - and extremely successful - single "I Kissed a Girl", red lips are "so kissable"! Your favorite lipstick emphasizes the natural red color of your lips - and this is exactly the solution to our quiz: Lipstick is the product we were looking for!
Admit it: You knew the answer right away!