Honest Drawings That Show What It's Like To Be With The Right Person
Whether you've been with the right person for years or are still searching for The One, these honest drawings beautifully illustrate what true love is like

Finding true love is one of those exceptional things we all grow up wanting, yet the quest for that one perfect person can sometimes take longer than we expected. In the end, out of all the people on this planet we want to find that one person who is perfect for us. Give us an easier task! However, once you finally end up with your perfect match, everyday life suddenly feels more special. The fact alone that you get to share your life with your partner makes most experiences, no matter how small, feel more magical. Though contrary to the many fairy tales we read as a kid, or the beautifully narrated love stories we watched as teens, love is not about being gifted a bouquet of 100 immaculate red roses, no. Love is about sharing a life. It's about wanting the best for the other person, no matter how much they go on our nerves. It's also about being your true self, without feeling the need to change for the one(s) you love. On her account duck_d_lynn, artist Lynn Choi shares intimate and honest drawings of what life with the right person is like for her.
We can't get enough of her emotional drawings:
#1 Finding the Right Sleeping Position
Especially when you've just started dating after a prolonged period of single life, it feels strange, at first, to share your bed with your new partner. It might take some bargaining, some tossing and turning until you find the right position. Whether you end up getting spooned or spooning your partner – it doesn't matter as long as you're close to each other.
#2 Waking up to the Smell of Coffee
You were home late the night before and decided to sleep in. How lucky you are that your partner is already up, preparing your favorite breakfast in the kitchen. What's that smell...could it be pancakes and a steaming hot cup of coffee?
#3 Getting Home Late
Even if he had a long day at work, he wouldn't want to miss out on some quality cuddling time with you – even if it means getting to bed fully clothed.
#4 Being Playful With Each Other
There are a million ways to say "I love you" and forcing your partner to give you the biggest smooch ever is one of them. Usually, there's not much "forcing" involved though.
#5 Supporting Each Other
When you're in a long-term relationship, your partner knows each of your quirks, and most of your habits. You tend to forget to eat when you're fully immersed in your work? No problem, he makes sure you don't go too long without having a decent meal.
#6 When You're too Tired to Walk
Forget public transportation! If your partner enjoys giving you piggy-bag rides, you've definitely found the right person.
#7 Sharing Food – and Staying in Together
Getting takeout pizza and devouring it while watching your favorite show together is pure bliss. Of course you both have plush slippers in the shape of an animal, adult life would be so boring otherwise!