There are Two Types of Women - Which One are You?
Everyone knows them: These two types of women. You will certainly recognize yourself in one of them. So which one are you?

At first glance, you might think that someone didn't follow the dress code. But is it really a big deal if a woman doesn't always want to look sexy and cute? Of course not, because there is not only one type of woman who always wants to look attractive. We, the fairer sex, don't always have to meet the expectations of others. The pictures to come will show you in a funny way that there are two types of women.
Which side are you on?

#1 Variations of Sauces
The pictures show that even while eating fries, these two types of women are very distinct. While one type of woman has the ketchup neatly arranged on the edge of her plate for comfortable dipping, the other type of woman can't help but pour the ketchup all over her fries.

#2 The "Drinker"
These two ladies prove it: Everyone has their own recipe for fun. And for some, it is precisely the Caprisun. So, the woman on the left of the picture gives up alcohol, while the lady on the right of the picture gives up the bra. Then the party can begin!
[imgurVirals via imgur]

#3 When It's Cold
When it starts to get cold, some people dress extra thick, others make sure to keep their style. As we get older, we bundle up more and more, right?
[plebeian_lifestyle via Reddit]
#4 The "Normal" Girl
The fact that there are two types of women already starts at school. The question arises, which one should get up earlier to be on time for the first class? And is it really worth it?
[@TwoTypesOfGirls via Twitter]

#5 The Insect Friends
Two women can react quite differently to something. How would you react by type to a butterfly approach? Do you run away in panic or try to stay calm?
[bardwheat via Imgur]

#6 The Sporty
The same can be seen in sports classes. You all know it: There were the absolute jocks, for whom everything just came easy. And then there were us: How we shied away from every single sports classes because we knew what was coming.
[GallowBoob via Reddit]

#7 The Mermaid
Nothing describes the two types of women as well as this picture. But if we look inside ourselves we will find out that there are both sides in us. Sometimes we are simply graceful, beautiful beings and sometimes... not!
[ashIG88 via Imgur]

#8 The Toilet Paper Question
Of course, the girls also handle the toilet paper rolls differently. Well, which type are you?

#9 Snow White
Similar and yet so different. They had the same idea and wear the same costume - yet they couldn't be more different.
Which Snow White do you like better: the original version or the more revealing Disney princess? And which one would you recognize yourself in?
[EMTheads via imgur]

#10 Pizza or Bunny?
One has almost a feeling of uneasiness while looking at this picture. Seeing how the woman on the far left feels excluded, we would like to hug her a little! And yet, she simply "dressed normally" and the other women, .... well, they did too much, right?
[harsharank via Imgur]

#11 Trick or Treat?
The lady on the right of the picture knows how to show off. Compared to the adorable bunny and the sexy policewoman, she clearly gets attention.
And once again, it's clear that there are really two types of women.
[ashjones94 via imgur]

#12 Cute Penguin vs Nurse
Starting to wonder if some women get the point of Halloween right? It's about being creepy and not looking particularly attractive. Whereby even the penguin would have missed the mark with that. Unless someone is afraid of the cute creatures.
[Andyh10s via Reddit]
#13 Celebrities on Halloween
Celebrities also dress up in different ways. While Rihanna opts for the seductive Ninja Turtle, Katy Perry dresses up as Cheeto.
[twotypesofgirls via Twitter]
#14 Testingstation vs. Pirate
Testingstation's disguise is quite contemporary. The pirate, on the other hand, obviously has nothing to fear and is also much more attractive.
[sofgill via Instagram]

#15 Christmas
At Christmas, spirits are divided: there are those who throw on their favorite Christmas sweater and those who put on their best clothes. The cozy team meets the chic team.

#16 Ugly Sweater or Chic Dress
At Christmas, we have a choice: to dress up in a particularly chic way or to spend a very pleasant evening with our family? For us women, there seems to be only two options. But we're not the only ones, because most of the time it involves the whole family...

#17 Families at Christmas
Just like us women, our families have to decide at Christmas if they should dress up or down. Often a family will dress fairly uniformly, but the fun part is when everyone dresses differently and there is finally a motley mix at the table.