Instagram vs Reality: Influencer Fights for More Reality
We know that a lot of things on Instagram are more illusion than reality. That's why it's all the nicer when an influencer stands up for more reality.
In today's world, women in particular, especially young women, are under tremendous pressure from the internet and social media. Photos on Instagram of models make us believe what a perfect body should look like. What we often forget is that these photos are rarely taken as is, but are the result of a huge amount of editing. Influencer Danae Mercer, among others, shows how the right angle, the right pose, the right lighting, etc. can make a difference and thus tries to fight for more reality in the online world!
Every woman should think about how – or how much – she changes her appearance for social media. For our collective body image, it's surely preferable to show our bodies the way they are.
Danae Mercer is an ordinary woman living in Australia. She is a fitness journalist and was a staff member of Women's Health Middle East. But nowadays, she is mainly active on Instagram and YouTube. Her mission is to open women's eyes to the fact that they are often fooled on social media by so-called perfect bodies.
But Danae wasn't always who she is today, she had to fight her way out of a phase where she was no longer herself:
She Herself has had a Difficult Journey:
"My first YouTube video came out. It's about me. The girl I was. The woman I strive to be. About eating disorders and mental health, and the struggle, the hard, painful struggle towards something better."
Since then, she's been regularly posting typical "Instagram vs. reality" photos and some honest ones about herself.
Starting, for example, with the unpopular cellulite:
"Hey You, Nice Butt" - Maybe You Don't Know That Yourself
Although Danae is very athletic and incredibly fit, she also has cellulite. And yet her butt looks fabulous!
Sometimes on Instagram you can't see a single trace of cellulite on a body and Danae shows us why:
The Appearance of the Body is Often Determined by the Angle and the Lighting
Depending on the lighting you present yourself in, how much you stretch your skin and the ideal angle of pose, perfectly normal cellulite is concealed. Of course, you can use such poses yourself as little tricks, but it should not affect the image you have of yourself when you see such photos. Because everyone is beautiful with or without some bumps on the skin. And by the way, men also think much less bad about it than you think.
On to Danae's next revelation:
Belly Fat Rolls are Completely Normal
A hollow and curved back, your legs not quite straight and the photo taken from above and askew, and here is your belly is completely flat and your legs beautiful and thin and even your cleavage looks much rounder. We've seen photos like this of almost every celebrity on the beach or by the pool. It's nice to see that when these women sit normally on their loungers or stand up straight, they too have little belly fat rolls on their stomach. And honestly, it's still beautiful!
The shape of the buttocks is also often different from reality:
"Not a Before, Not an After."
There are only seconds between the two photos and not weeks of working out and starving. The panties are pulled up to the pelvis, so nothing sticks out, the back is hollowed out to make the upper body appear more narrow and the buttocks are pushed back so the skin looks smooth and plump.
The Influencer's Important Message:
"Stop worrying if other people like you. Do you like you?"
And every one of us should!