Here's Why You Should Never Flush A Tick Down The Toilet!
Ticks are a real danger for humans and animals! But if you want to get rid of them, don't throw them in the toilet – here's why
There is a Common Misconception That you Are Safe at Home
Unfortunately, this is not the case, as people with pets literally open the door to ticks. Not all ticks attach themselves directly. Others simply take advantage of your four-legged friend's presence (like a tick cab) to find your blood.
By the way, we are not safe in winter either: ticks are active as soon as temperatures reach 5 degrees. Granted, they don't have as many opportunities to hide behind leaves and in meadows, but tick checks are also required in winter, especially for pets.
If you do catch a tick, it's best to buy special tick tweezers that can remove the tick from the skin without ripping the body off and leaving the head inside.