16 Pregnant Women Who Had A Really Bad Day
Many women enjoy their pregnancy to the fullest. Nevertheless, even pregnant women sometimes experience one or two bad days

From the outside, pregnancy often looks like the best experience ever. Months of searching for names for the baby, doctor's appointments to learn more about the human body, and finally welcoming a new life into this world. It seems so magical! But there is so much more to a pregnancy than that. And that it's much less glamorous than the shows and movies would have us believe. Chic maternity clothes are usually very expensive and hard to find, and the "glow" that everyone talks about is often just sweat. Even though there are many good days, pregnant women often go through bad days, too.
Here's how women honestly show how they've experienced certain situations during their pregnancy!
#1 Standing Up for Yourself Against Demanding Hands
"A gift my husband gave me to use when strangers/family members touch my belly too much without asking me first."
[LadySilvie via Reddit]
#2 When You Look Like a Rotisserie Chicken
"Do you ever just feel like a rotisserie chicken?" - The comparison is really funny, but somehow also too true! At least she can take it with humor.

#3 Pregnant Woman as Superhero
"My pregnant wife had to dress up as a superhero for work today." - We think she pulled off the disguise in style!
[parkerob via Reddit]

#4 We Can't Sneak up on Anyone
"My pregnant wife is sneaking up on me". - The theory that "what I can't see doesn't see me" definitely doesn't work in pregnancy.
[ShivayVeerSharma via Reddit]

#5 The Fascinating Cravings
"My wife, who is 39 weeks pregnant, went to the supermarket to buy 'things for dinner.' This is what she brought home."- Menstruating or pregnant women are probably the ones who know it best: the annoying cravings. Healthy eating and enough vitamins are secondary in these situations.
[w3rewulf via Reddit]

#6 The Bathroom Hideout
"My husband found me in the bathroom with my pants down, shoving cookie dough ice cream in my mouth and hiding from our kids. This is what my pregnancy is like (week 29)."
[Anonym via Imgur]
#7 Shaving Properly
"It's too hot to wear pants and dresses are usually all that fit me, so I had to find a way to shave my legs without bending over." - Necessity is the mother of invention. This pregnant lady proves that too!

#8 Getting in the Car
"Eight and a half months pregnant, when I walked out of the bank, I saw this... (I'm the blue car.)" - Even without the pregnancy belly, we would find it quite difficult to get in. Someone should go back to driving school....
[skybluepink15 via Reddit]
#9 Unsolicited Comments
"I heard 'You're so big!' and 'You're so small!' literally on the same day during my pregnancy and I was like, 'What?!'
What is it about our baby bump that people think they can make comments and suggestions to us uninvited?
Here's some advice: just wish us and our baby good health and a safe delivery." - We can only agree!
#10 Cravings are the Mother of Invention
Some people have a craving for pickles, others get inventive and make pickle ice cream. I wonder if it worked?
#11 Pregnancy Brain
"I'm not saying she has pregnancy brain ... I mean, it's also possible she made chocolate waffles. Either way, it smells like a delicious campfire in our kitchen!" - Sometimes the best way to deal with adversity is by using humor.
#12 The Thing About Smells
"A couple of things about the pizza....
1. I used it to tell Mat he was going to be a dad.
2. It really is our favorite food - eating it at least once a week.
3. Since I got pregnant, I CAN'T STAND THE THOUGHT, SMELL, SIGHT of it.
Pregnancy is weird."

#13 Cravings
Who can understand the cravings of a pregnant woman? Here, someone was craving something sweet and spicy at the same time. Well, bon appétit!
[Addicted2Groove via Imgur]
#14 The Things You Forget
"Let's say I 'hypothetically' forgot to take a Pyrex lid out of the oven before I preheated it, and it 'hypothetically' melted."

#15 Food is Generally a Difficult Topic
"My pregnant wife ordered Cheese Fries, this is going to end badly...". - Oh my, you should never joke with food to a pregnant woman. Ever!
[Nocab_ via Reddit]

#16 Underwear Changes Too
"The difference between my underwear from March and today (November) at 37 weeks is hilarious (and so true)!"
[mrsroyalmountain via Reddit]